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Golf shoe belonging to Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: FootJoy.
Golf glove belonging to Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: Nancy Lopez Golf Inc..
3-iron golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: PING.
Putter golf club used by Ethel Funches- Putter, late 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
7-iron golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: PING.
6-iron golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: PING.
Wood 4 golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
Wood 5 golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: PING.
Wood 4.5 golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
6-iron golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
7-iron golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
Wedge golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
8 iron golf club used by Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: PING.
Golf tees belonging to Ethel Funches, late 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
Trophy awarded to golfer Ethel Funches, 1968. Creator: Unknown.